navigations are at the bottom.

I just want to sleep.
Today did not go school. Wake up late. Hehe. My mum never stop scolding me. I promise next time i will go school okay mum. Lol. Like real only me. Haha. And yaw did not go school. Actually woke up already at 6 am. Supposed to wake up for school. Shuhada, my best friend call me and wake me up. Haha. I pick up and say this to her.

Shuhada: Naim, wake 6 o'clock already.
Naim: Hmm. Okay2 (with sleepy voice lol)
Shuhada: Better go school okay.
Naim: Okay2.

After that i put down the fon. I went back to sleep. Teehee. Everyday like this uh shuhada wake me up den i go back to sleep again. Haha. Waste her time only. Confirm she very frustrated. Haha. Dun angry la shuahda. I promise next time u wake me up, i will not go back to sleep. Instead i will go straight away and bath. Wakaka. Like real only me. I say so many times already what i always like real. Haha. (: And so i wake up at 4 pm. That also my friend, Ayim, call me. He ask me to accompany him to go and look for a job. I say this to him.

Ayim: Naim, you at where?
Naim: At home la. (with sleepy voice. lol)
Ayim: You never go school?
Naim: Nope.Why?
Ayim: I thought i want to ask u to accompany me to go look for a job.
Naim: Cannot uh. I just wake up. So next time okay.
Ayim: It's okay then.

Haha. Busted ehk me. Turn my bro down. Haha. I sleepy la. School never go. Dun dream this i will go Hehe. Then while trying to get back sleep again. Farhan plak kol me ask me to accompany him go gi gunting rambut. Alamak. Leceh uh. Lepas satu-satu ajak aku. Haha. Org aru nk try tido agi. Kacau uh. I say this to him.

Farhan: Naim, ikut aku gi gunting rambut uh.
Naim: Huh? Skrg pe?
Farhan: Abeh bile?
Naim: Aku aru bangun tido siots. Nk kene mandi agi. Leceh uh. Laen kali uh.
Farhan: Ala boleh uh. Pas aku gunting rambut. Kite gi Tamp Mall cuci mate tgk chicks.
Naim: Haha. Ade2 aje ehk kau, nk aku ikut kau nye psl.
Farhan: Boleh uh naim.
Naim: Sorry uh laen kali okay.
Farhan: Okay la (with sad voice)
Naim: Eh abeh sedih? Bunga pe?
Farhan: Tk la. Aku eksyen aje nk kau ikut. Haha.
Naim: Haha.

And so do i did not go. Evil ehk me satu-satu kwn ajak teman, i turn down. Haha. No la. I sleepy. If not i go already. Chey. Bubal confident sei naim. Haha. Next time ehk guys. Haha. After all tat. Sigh of relieve. Want to continue sleep. Naseb baek my fon tk de org kol agi kacau. Haha. Try2 but cannot sleep already. Ni smua Salim dgn Farhan nye psl uh. Org ngah tido. Best2 ngah dream. Kacau aje. Hahaha. Tk la. Den get up and bath and eat and all. After that play laptop. As usual msn and tagged. And watch tv also. Until now i posting blog my laptop and tv is still on. Haha. Confirm bill electic belambung. My mum will freak out if she knows. Hehe. Secret ehk between us. Haha. Now i want to go sleep. Nytez. Peace!